
1. 本表僅適用於日間學制學生申請跨部修在職專班課程,申請表須經授課教師、就讀系所及開課系所主任同意後,於當學期期初加退選期間送課務組辦理加選,逾期將不予受理,請同學多加留意。
This form is only applicable to students of day school to apply for taking courses of in‑service education program. The application form is needed the agreement of instructor, department chair, and chair of department offers the course. This form should be sent to Course Affairs Group to add to the roll of courses during the period of course adding/dropping. Please notice that overdue will not be accepted.
2. 日間學制學生及碩士在職專班學生跨部選修,每學期以2科為限。採全額學費收費者,不另收學分費;依修習學分數繳交學雜學分費者,應依其原學制適用之學分費收費標準收費。
Students of day school and students of in‑service education program of graduate school who apply to taking courses from another academic system is limited for only 2 courses per semester. For those who paid full tuition, credit fees will not be charged. For people who paid tuition and incidental fees and credit fees according to the number of credits, it should be charged according to the original charging standard of credit fees.